Working Toward Wellness
It was great to see a few of you yesterday morning at the SENT Hi-Crest Second Saturday Market and introduce you to our newest partner: Full Circle Soap! We had a great audience at the Lunch & Learn following the market and are grateful for the opportunity. It went so well you’ll get a second chance to hear our presentation on strategies for wellness. We’ve been asked to present again next month at the same time (11:00 a.m. on June 11). So mark your calendars, and join us for a catered lunch and conversation on health!
Our presentation covered five “pillars” of wellness—social connection, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and mental and emotional health—and how making small changes in any of these areas can have big impacts on your wellbeing. With the help of personal trainer Hannah Burkdoll from Sweat Equity Topeka, we gave some general strategies on setting yourself up for success when it comes to making positive lifestyle changes as well as specific tips that have worked for us in the realms of nutrition and exercise. We sent people home with a list of simple activities to incorporate into their daily lives and simple ideas for healthy snacks and meals that don’t take a lot of work but can make healthy eating much easier. Check out the handout here and see if you find any inspiration for food or fun this coming week.
-Robert, Topeka Growers Group