Introducing Joylight Coffee

Introducing Joylight Coffee

The coffee from Joylight speaks for itself, but talking with founder Jack Hishmeh is what really got us excited about carrying their product. Jack takes a thoughtful and intentional approach to coffee and every part of the production process. He places a high value on sustainability, equity, and building supportive relationships between everyone involved, from farmers to consumers. And when we mentioned selling beans in returnable containers to eliminate packaging waste, he was fully on board! So we are excited to introduce you to our newest partner producer: Joylight Coffee Roasters!

We sat down with Jack for a little Q&A about Joylight and the family behind this Topeka business.

Who you are: 

Joylight Coffee Roasters

What you make:

Specialty coffee

When you started:

March 2023

Why you do what you do:

We wanted to share our joy for specialty coffee with people in our community. We also care deeply about each aspect of the process and ensuring that every step is sustainable and equitable.

Why sustainability and your methods of production are important to you:

Each step of the coffee production process is a relationship (farmer, importer, roaster, consumer). Often the commodity-coffee industry forgoes the art, science, and care within each step of the process. At Joylight, we want to truly enjoy the crop of coffee and all it has to offer each relationship in the process. Regarding sustainability, coffee can be used full circle from a crop, to brewed, to compost.

Fun fact about your business:

One of the primary reasons we named the company Joylight comes from Psalm 30:5, which says, "weeping may tarry for the night but joy comes in the morning." It's always been our hope that our coffee is used as a means to share joy—whether it's the ability to slow down before someone starts their day or it is shared between good friends.

Fun fact about you or your family:

Our first and most awkward date of our lives started at a coffee shop. It all began with coffee!

Favorite parts of running your business:

Hearing from others how they are enjoying our coffee and the ability to keep learning and refining our processes.

Favorite product of yours that we sell:

Guatemalan Huehuetenango—it's our go-to!

What you do when you're not working:

Work our full-time jobs (ha!), frequent the park with our daughter and doodle, and when we can get away, travel. 

Order online for delivery or in-person in a returnable jar or your own container. Give it a try and share in the joy! 



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