Crooked Bar N Ranch

Home on the Range
Ethically Raised
Al and Sierra Barron had a hard time finding beef they felt good about eating, so they decided to raise it themselves. Their herd of Murray Gray cattle are well-fed and well-cared for on their ranch in Wabaunsee County.
Grass Fed
Respect for the land is paramount for Crooked Bar, whose cattle graze on native vegetation. These deep-rooted perineal plants serve as as a sustainable feed source for their herd and preserve the biodiversity of the endangered tallgrass prairie.
Murray Gray Cattle
Murray Grays are medium-framed, docile beef and milk cows—a cross between a short-horn milking cow and an Aberdeen Angus. They come in an array of colors from white to black and everything in-between.
For the Love of the Land
Al and Sierra Barron’s herd of Murray Gray cattle got its start 15 years ago with just two cows owned by Sierra’s dad. When they moved to Crooked Bar N Ranch in 2016, they continued raising the Murray Gray breed—a cross between a short-horn milking cow and an Aberdeen Angus.
Al and Sierra operate from a place of deep respect for the land and the animals they raise. They are opposed to conventionally raised meat and concerned about the decrease in
biodiversity on the tallgrass prairie. They are addressing both issues with their herd of ethically raised cattle, fed on native grasses.
Even when they’re not working, you can often find the "Bar N"s outdoors: hiking, gardening spreading wildflower seeds, chasing after their little one, and spending time with family.
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